The Art of Friendship in a 55+ Community

Share your smile…

share a smile - Brian Temple and Ann Marie

The 55+ Life-Enhancement of Great Friendships

As a homeowner in Summerfields West 55+ you enjoy a community of hundreds of people in about 415 acres. That’s a lot of potential for growing great and meaningful friendships. Solid friendships are as valuable as family, and in many ways they are just that. Better mental health is also a byproduct of friendship. That stated, not everyone is outgoing or very good at making friends. Since Summerfields West is the perfect environment to build lasting friendships, here are few pointers to assist you in the process of enhancing friendships.

“Share your smile with the world. It’s a symbol of friendship and peace.” – Christie Brinkley

The Summerfields West way to better friendships:

Keep a Positive Outlook

Obviously, attraction and friendship go together. Positive people will attract other positive people.

Be Compassionate

Stay focused on being compassionate towards others. The old adage works: “Open hands, open heart. Be willing to share your dreams and ask others to share theirs, find common ground. We all have flaws so find ways to work with the best in each other.

Remember Old Friends

Distance, business, work and other commitments can make face to face time with old friends difficult. That’s where technology comes in. FaceTime is a great form of in-person socializing. Or you could be talking on the phone while you both go to online shopping, or even watch a movie.

Double date

Yes, you read that right…double date (I didn’t make you blush did I?), many will say something like, “I’m too old to double date.” Someone once said you are what you think. Too old? Ridiculous! Age is never a hindrance to having a fun time. Start a double date night to strengthen your relationships as well as your friendships. The Society for Personality and Social Psychology did a study that revealed that being on a double date opens deeper and more meaningful conversations.

Above all, make yourself approachable

Your facial expression is the first impression others get and that determines whether a person will interact with you. A simple smile and being a good listener lets others know you are approachable. Many friendships start in that simple way.

You already have the right environment

You’re living in Summefields West 55+ which offers a distinctive lifestyle. The homes are beautifully designed with virtually no maintenance. A simple walk down one of the rustic walking paths in the cool of the tree-lined streets offers many opportunities to meet new people. And the activities, pool, and so on are perfect venues to strike up conversations and see where they lead.

Here are some photos of one of our Meet the Neighbors get-togethers.

If you’re not a current homeowner

Summerfields West is a 55+ dynamic community. Friends and family relationships are always enhanced in great environments. You will benefit by visiting us today and learn more. Contact us to make an appointment to visit our community.

Summerfields West an environment perfect for making friends!

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